
It is mandatory for students to choose one club activity.SCIENCE CLUB:It is conducted by our experienced science educator who makes learning hands-on. The students get to do 10 working models with materials easily available. The students then explore the scientific concepts behind them. They are also given worksheets. At the end they get to take the models home.

Animation Club

Children in Secondary Class are taught the basics of Animations and at the end of the course they are given certificate of proficiency.

Mathematics Club

In the earlier days math was first learnt and then applied by students but our RAMANUJAN Math Lab we do it vice versa a child first applies and then he learns the concepts he is taught. It’s a fun and more practical way of learning math. Here in a child comes in an atmosphere that inculcates a desire to touch and learn the various mathematical objects kept around him and learn the concept hidden behind that.

Literary & Performing Club

It is conducted by the English department. Students get to exhibit their literary and creative skills. In this club the students are divided into two groups. In Term I one of the group is trained in creative writing, debates, evocations etc while the other group gets the training for role plays. In Term II the two groups switch their activities.

Creativity Club

This club is taken up by the SUPW teacher who helps children make useful products out of waste.

ECO Club

This club is taken up by the Social Studies department. Here the students get to identify issues related to environment and work towards finding solutions to preserve the environment. Students of this club are also encouraged to take part in the Awaking Walks conducted in each term.

Quiz Club

Students in the club organize Quiz Competitions providing daily news update to the students during assembly.

Foot Ball
Swatchh Bharat
Natural Club
Wild Life Club