Physics, Chemistry & Biology: Activity Labs

Physics, Chemistry & Biology: Activity Labs

With Digitalization of Class Room Teaching, dynamics of learning have changed. Teachers have graduated to facilitators of Knowledge than instructors. With the aid of movies, animation and engaging teaching aids quality of learning has improved,

With this perspective in mind we have introduced science activity lab. The lab connects students of all learning orientation with the concepts resulting in complete classroom engagement and participation of each student in learning process. Our Activity lab models experiential learning for students through sets of activity kits for each grade/standard. Each concept is explained through these set of working models and activity kits which are co-related with the concepts given in the text books.

Science is not just studies, textbooks and classroom lessons. It is also about exploring, finding something new each day about the world around you. Student is given do-it yourself activity kits in each of the department with activity log book to note the working and analysis of each activity and to provide handy reference for the activities.